CUMIN annual seminar 22-25

2025 CUMIN Workshop

CUMIN annual Workshop has been held on the 12th and 13th February 2025 in hybrid mode, in presence of 63 attendees (including 5 on-line).

Thanks to the logistic team (Amandine, Amel, Boris, Ines, Chaimae) and chairmen (Ronan, Walter) that enable an efficient and fluent workshop!

Wednesday 12 February 2025, Lilliad, Amphi B
13:30 Welcome coffee
14:00 CUMIN introduction A. Bouscayrol, E. Castex (L2EP/TVES, ULille)
14:30 SARA: driving test L. Juncker, E. Castex, A. Bouscayrol (TVES/L2EP, ULille)
14:45 SARA: open data platform on e-mobility Q. Pochet, A. Fraisse, A. Bouscayrol (GERiiCO/L2EP, ULille)
15:00 GRETA: solar energy potential N. Ferlay (LOA, ULille),
15:15 EVE: Nissan Leaf consumption A. K. Bensadoun, A. Djemadi, C. Plomion (Master VIE)
15:30 Coffee break
15:45 DILAN: Driving In the Loop  F. Tournez, W. Lhomme, A. Bouscayrol (PANDA/L2EP, ULille) 
16:00 DILAN: velocity profiles I. Boukadia, I. Jamal Eddine (Master VIE)
16:15 STEVE: scaling Laws for EVs  A. Aroua et al. (UGhent/L2EP, ULille) 
16:30 Coffee break
16:45 TIM: hybrid braking M. Lehut, J.-F. Brunel, W. Lhomme (L2EP, LamCube, ULille)
17:00 TIM: braking analysis D. Belbachir, E. Hodonou, I. Seck (Master VIE)
17:15 eCAMPUS: general presentation A. Groleau et al. (LAI eCAMPUS, ULille/ Univ Trois Rivières)
17:30 eCAMPUS: Nissan leaf charging S. Revankar et al. (eCAMPUS/L2EP, ULille/ IRH Univ 3 Rivières)
17:45 End of the day
Thursday 13 February 2025, ESPRIT, amphi ATRIUM
12:30 Lunch - Barrois
14:00 CUMIN & SDG chair A. Bouscayrol, B. Lemaire-Semail (L2EP, ULille, Chaire ODD TE)
14:30 REMUS: CO2 of commuting C. Mayet, C. Brocart et al. (L2EP, ULille, MEL)
14:45 REMUS: tramway energy consumption I. Chbiki, F. Mamou, N. Ouazil (Master, VIE, MEL project)
15:00 EVE: bus energy consumption D. Akli, C. Bathat, M. Leklou (M2, VIE, MEL project)
15:15 Coffee break  
15:30 TESSA presentation E. Hittinger, R. German, E. Caxtex (RIT/L2EP/TVES, ULille)
15:45 TESS: Nissan Leaf cost M. Lehut, A. Bouscayrol, E. Hittinger (L2EP, ULille, RIT)
16:00 TESSA: battery charging A. Ndiaye, R. German et al. (L2EP, ULille, AMPERE Univ. Lyon)
16:15 TESSA: battery ageing M. Chaud, R. German et al. (L2EP, TVES, ULille, RIT)
16:30 Coffee break
16h45 MOUVE: fast charging strategies S. Fadili et al. (Sherpa/L2EP, ULille)
17:00 MOUVE: fast charging station B. Catrice, G. Houadenou, B. Makoso Pambou (M2, VIE)
17:15 MOUVE: bidirectional charging station F. Djouab, T. Kadour, V. C. Nguyen (M2, VIE)
17:30 Visit of eV Platform W. Lhomme (L2EP, ULille)
18:00 End of the seminar 


2024 CUMIN Workshop

CUMIN annual Workshop will be on the 13th and 14th February 2024 in hybrid mode from 14:00-18:00 CE

  Tuesday 13 February 2024
13:45 Welcome coffee
14:00 CUMIN Plus A. Bouscayrol (L2EP, ULille), E. Castex (TVES, ULille)
14:15 SARA: Driving test L. Juncker, E. Castex, A. Bouscayrol (TVES/L2EP, ULille)
14:30 EVE: Nissan Leaf consumption A. Baziz, I. Diop, H. El Rahmaoui (M2, VIE)
14:45 MOUVE: Nissan leaf charging S. Revankar et al. (eCAMPUS/L2EP, ULille/ IRH Univ 3 Rivières)
15:00 TIM: Hybrid braking J.-F. Brunel (LaMcube, ULille) W. Lhomme (L2EP, ULille)
15:15 Coffee break  
15:30 SARA: Living Lab E. Masclef, E. Castex (eCAMPUS/TVES, ULille)
15:45 MOUVE: Batteries comparison S. Fadili  et al. (Sherpa/L2EP, ULille)
16:00 MOUVE: Charging station M. Barry, N. Driwich, M. Shi (M2, VIE)
16:15 Commons and CUMIN N. Postel (CLERSE, ULille)
16:30 Coffee break  
16:45 SAMI: e-bike charging station H. Ikaouassen (L2EP, ULille), N. Ferlay (LOA, ULille) et al.
17:00 MOUVE: Bi-directional charging F. Benfyala, M. Boutsoudine, M. Benidar (M2 VIE)
17:15 Visit of the eV Platform  
17:30 End of the day
  Wednesday 14 February 2024
13:45 Welcome coffee
14:00 Mobility survey of University of Lille L. Junker (TVES/L2EP, ULille)
14:15 REMUS: subway energy consumption R. O. Berriel, C. Mayet et al. (L2EP, ULille), C. Brocart (MEL)
14 :30 REMUS: tramway energy consumption A. Hankour, B. Lakhdari, S. Rezzoug (M2, VIE)
14 :45 REMUS: TER energy consumption Y. Anis, M. Chaud, O. Lahmadi (M2, VIE)
15:00 EVE: H2 Bus energy consumption A. Doumbouya, K. Epey (M2, VIE)
15:15 Coffee break  
15:30 TESSA presentation E. Hittinger (RIT), R. German (L2EP, ULille), E. Caxtex (TVES)
15:45 TESS: Leaf cost M. Lehut (M2, VIE) E. Hittinger (RIT)
16:00 TESSA: battery charging A. Ndiaye, R. German et al. (L2EP, ULille, AMPERE Univ. Lyon)
16:15 TESSA: battery ageing S. A. Alehlou, M. Fall (M2, VIE)
16:30 Coffee break  
16h45 DILAN: Driving In the Loop  F. Tournez, W. Lhomme, A. Bouscayrol (PANDA/L2EP, ULille) 
17:00 DILAN: HIL testing  M. Duquesne, W. Lhomme (M2, VIE) 
17:15 STEVE: Scaling Laws/for EVs  A. Aroua et al. (UGhent/L2EP, ULille) 
17:30 Visit of eV Platform  
18:00 End of the seminar   

2023 CUMIN Workshop

The annual Workshop of CUMIN programme was held on the 22nd and 23rd March 2023 in hybrid mode. The different projects were presented on:
The 22nd March 2023 - 14:00-18 CET
The 23rd March 2023 - 14:00-18 CET

  Wednesday 22 March 2023
13:45 Welcome coffee
14:00 Evolution of the CUMIN programme A. Bouscayrol (CUMIN, L2EP, ULille)
14:30 Techno-economic studies for a transition to a e-mobility campus (TESS / TESSA) E. Hittinger (CUMIN, RIT), R. German (CUMIN, L2EP), E. Castex (CUMIN, TVES), A. Bouscayrol (CUMIN, L2EP)
15:00 Charging stations of electrified vehicles using PV panels (SAMI) S. Fadili, P. Delarue, A. Bouscayrol (CUMIN, L2EP), Nicolas Ferlay (CUMIN, LOA)
15:30 Charging strategies for electric vehicles to minimize battery aging MOUVE) A. Ndiaye, R. German, A. Bouscayrol (CUMIN, L2EP), E. Castex (CUMIN, TVES), P. Venet, M. Gaetani (AMPERE)
16:00 Coffee break  
16:30 Best mobility practices on university campuses worldwide: a literature review (eCAMPUS) Dr. Julia Frottey, P. Verville, D. Imhof (UQTR, INRS, Canada), E. Masclef (ULille, CUMIN-TVES)
17:00  Scalability of powertrain for electrified vehicles and application to an e-bus (STeVE) A. Aroua, W.. Lhomme, A. Bouscayrol, (L2EP), K. Stockman, P. Sergenat, F. Verbelen (Univ. Ghent, Belgium)
17:30 Progression of e-mobility through the evolution and distribution of EV charging stations in France (ERICA) L. Junker, E/ Castex (CUMIN, TVES), A. Bouscayrol (CUMIN, L2EP) (ERICA)
18:00 End of the day
  Thursday 23 March 2023
13:45 Coffee break
14:00 Consideration of mechanical braking emissions in electric vehicles (TIM) J.F. Brunel, P. Dufresnoy (CUMIN-LaMcube), W. Lhomme, A. Bouscayrol (CUMIN-L2EP
14 :30 Regenerative braking and energy recovery of new subways (REMUS) R. O’Berriel (L2EP, MEL), A. Bouscayrol, P. Delarue (L2EP), C. Brocart (MEL), C. Mayet (LeCnam)
15:00 Master projects on CUMIN: example of energy consumption of Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle R. German (CUMIN, L2EP), A. Zaouak (Master VIE) and Master VIE students
15:30 Technical and socio-behavioural tests of electrified vehicles by campus users (SARA) E. Castex (CUMIN-TVES,) E. Aguire (CUMIN-L2EP), Lpro Students (ULille)
16:00 Coffee break
16:30 Greenhouse gases emission of the mobility of the UQTR campus (eCAMPUS) Loic Boulon (UQTR-IRH), S. Miaux (UQTR-LVC),
EA. Groleau (UQTR)
17:00 Energy consumption and GHG emissions of electrified vehicles (EVE / eCAMPUS) A. Bouscayrol (ULille-L2EP), David Ramsey (L2EP / IRH), L. Boulon (UQTR-IRH) et al.
17:30 End of the seminar / Visit of the eV Platform