Efficient Renewable energies Integrated systems in Charging stations of electric vehicles : from the Acceptance to the governance

The ERICA project aims to develop new research about renewable energies on charging infrastructure for Electric Vehicles (EV). The project is guided by two main approaches to investigate both the concrete implementation of EV by the stakeholders of the territory (and continue to explore issues of energy governance) as well as the social acceptability of EV and its appropriation by the populations. A mixed-method approach will be adopted withqualitative (semi-directional interviews) and quantitative (questionnaires, geo-referenced database under geographical information system, maps) techniques and tools to asses and analyse the data collected. The ERICA project is an extension of interdisciplinary research undertaken within the scientific team of theCUMIN project (Campus of University with Mobility based on Innovation and carbon Neutrality) and supported by University of Lille and a LAI; it also develops relationship between the research of in the Hub 4 and the HUB 2 in the corsortium of I-SITE ULNE.

